Plaid: How It Works, What it is? Is It Safe?

Plaid: How It Works, What it is? Is It Safe?

a What Is Plaid? Plaid is a financial technology company that provides a platform for connecting financial institutions to applications and services. The company’s main product is an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows developers to build applications that can access data from users’ financial accounts, such as bank accounts, credit cards, and investment accounts. … Read more

Debit Cards for Teens: A Comprehensive Guide

Debit Cards for Teens: A Comprehensive Guide

Debit cards for teenagers are an excellent tool for helping young people learn how to manage their money. Many options allow parents or guardians to set limits and monitor activity. The best debit cards for teens often come with mobile apps that provide financial education and track spending and savings over time.  These apps can … Read more

Listed in ChexSystems? Here’s What to Do Next

Listed in ChexSystems? Here's What to Do Next

ChexSystems is a company that maintains records of checking, savings, and other deposit accounts at banks and credit unions. If you have had problems with a deposit account, for example, a check that was returned or bounced, you may have a record in ChexSystems. Although your ChexSystems history does not directly impact your FICO credit … Read more

Venmo vs. PayPal: Which One is Right for You?

Venmo vs. PayPal: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to sending and receiving money digitally, PayPal and Venmo are two of the most well-known options. But which one is right for you? That largely depends on the transactions you want to make and the parties with whom you want to exchange funds. Venmo app is great for personal transactions with friends, … Read more